18 Sep, 2023 | By: Premiumpackaging

How Does Eco-Friendly Packaging Enhance Your Brand Awareness?

How Does Eco-Friendly Packaging Enhance Your Brand Awareness?

Over time, society’s goals have changed, and today there is a strong desire to act and safeguard both the current and future generations by safeguarding the earth. As more governments, businesses, and people choose to use less plastic and live sustainably, your company may want to consider utilising eco-friendly packaging. Regardless of the industry you […]

16 Mar, 2023 | By: Premiumpackaging

The Essential Guide to Product Packaging

The Essential Guide to Product Packaging

Product packaging has been a key factor in consumers’ purchasing decisions both in traditional retail and online. A survey by The Paperworker found that 74% of consumers will most likely upload a snapshot of product packaging on their social media accounts and that 52% of online shoppers would most likely return to a brand if […]

09 Jan, 2023 | By: Premiumpackaging

Riduce Shipping Costs by Choosing the Correct Box Size

Reduce Shipping Costs by Choosing the Correct Box Size

You may be surprised to learn that one of the best ways to start saving money on your shipping costs is by choosing the right size box provided by many packaging companies sydney.
